
Cindy Barrett
Office Administrator
Cindy Barrett was raised in Columbus, Indiana. After attending James Madison University in Virginia, she came back home where she met her husband Todd. They have a son in high school and a daughter in college. Cindy has a Bachelor's in Political Science and a Master's in Education. After working in the prosecutor's office and then as a school teacher, she enjoyed raising her children while volunteering for the Women's Ministry at Christ Community. Cindy loves organizing and helping others through the process. Cindy and her family have been members of CCC since 2011.

Tracy DeWitt
Business Manager
Tracy DeWitt is a native of California. Tracy and her husband Paul have been married since 1987 and have four grown children. Paul and Tracy moved to Fishers in 2000. She has been a bookkeeper for 25 years in addition to holding several staff positions at Christ Community. Tracy is currently the Business Manager and volunteers in many areas at CCC.

Thomas Fraley
Director of A/V | Deacon
Thomas has been attending Christ Community since freshman year of high school, when his family moved to the Indianapolis area in 2003. He married his wife Nadia in early 2011, and they now have three wonderful children. In late 2016 Thomas stepped into leadership as CCC's A/V Director, helping manage the lighting, sound, and visual aspects of the church's ministries. He works as a Software Developer, and would describe himself generally as a "tech-head," enjoying all technology, from working with camera and sound equipment, to building and flying drones, to 3-D printing and woodworking.

Lilian Hernandez
Director of Music
Lilian has spent most of her life in central Indiana and has attended Christ Community since elementary school. She spent her early education learning piano and started singing in high school with the CCC youth group band and worship team. After working towards a music degree, she found herself cooking, and her trajectory completely changed. She worked as a professional catering chef for 15 years, and rejoined the CCC worship team in 2018. She recently joined the CCC staff as the Coordinator of Music. In her spare time, Lilian enjoys painting, cooking, reading, and movie time with her family.

Brad Hough
Director of Student Ministry
Brad grew up in southern Indiana and earned his Bachelor’s degree in social work in 2014. Currently completing his Master of Divinity degree from Covenant Theological Seminary, Brad and his family have been at Christ Community since 2021, when Brad began his role as Director of Student Ministry. He and his wife Jami have two daughters—Theo and Haddie. When not hanging out with students, Brad enjoys playing board games, being outside, reading, and making Jami, Theo, and Haddie laugh.

Josiah Jones
Senior Pastor | Teaching Elder
Born and raised in Montana, Josiah studied philosophy at Dallas Baptist University and later pursued theological and pastoral training at Reformed Theological Seminary in Charlotte, North Carolina, graduating with a Master of Divinity in 2012. After serving as pastor of a PCA church in Evans, Georgia for 5 years, Josiah joined the ministry staff of Christ Community in 2017. Josiah is married to his lovely wife, Jenn, and together they have three children: Cayden, Ian, and Adelynn. In his spare time, he loves hanging with his wife, playing with his kids, shooting hoops, and running while listening to sermons.

Karl Kranich
Coordinator of Technology
Karl has been involved with computers since his childhood in Pennsylvania, and now works in Information Technology with World Vision. He met his wife Liesl when they were both serving with Cru (formerly Campus Crusade for Christ) in Orlando. Karl and Liesl discovered Christ Community immediately after moving to Indiana in 2008. When Karl isn’t in front of a screen, he enjoys reading, listening to podcasts, and traveling with Liesl.

Kristin Livermore
Director of Women's Ministry
Kristin was born in the Midwest and grew up in the Southeast. She married her husband Scott in 1990, joining him on staff with the middle and high school ministry of Cru. In 1997 they moved with Cru to Orlando, returning in 2006 to settle in Carmel and join Christ Community Church. Kristin has a passion for investing in the spiritual formation of others—her own 4 children, the women and children of CCC, and the students and staff at the local elementary school where she currently works. Kristin enjoys being with her family, playing board games, and all things Cubs.

Rebecca Moore
Coordinator of Play Area
Rebecca was raised in Wheaton, IL. She attended Taylor University in Upland, IN where she earned her degree in Elementary Education. She moved to Carmel, IN in 2005 after graduating from Taylor and began to teach at Clay Middle School, where she taught for 9 years. In 2012 she married her husband, Kyle, whom she met at Christ Community. Together they have four kids whom Rebecca homeschools. As a family they love to travel and experience more of God's creation. God placed the Play Area on Rebecca's heart many years ago and it has been her delight to see how He has worked to bring it to life and use it to reach the community.

Bassam Nader
Director of Men's Ministry | Ruling Elder
Bassam and Randa, his wife, have known Christ Community as their extended family for almost 3 decades, during which CCC helped in the spiritual formation of their 4 daughters and raising them to adulthood, while they have joyously served this wonderful community of Christ-followers as an elder-shepherd couple. Bassam’s passion is discipleship, especially of men. He has an advanced degree in organic chemistry, and spent his professional career as a research scientist with a global corporation, then practiced intellectual property law. Randa is a retired schoolteacher, and is passionate about helping women grow in their faith. They were originally raised in the country of Lebanon.

Currently Seeking
Director of Kids Ministry
We are currently seeking a Director of Kids Ministry. Check out the job posting on our Job Opportunities page!

Hunter Wolfram
Director of Discipleship and Community Life
Hunter was born in northern Indiana and went to Ball State for his undergrad, where he met his wife, Ashlin. After a year on staff with Cru, he completed a pastoral internship at City Hope Fellowship while pursuing a degree from Indianapolis Theological Seminary where he graduated in 2024. Hunter and Ashlin have two wonderful children, Jude (3) and Isla (4 months). In his spare time, he likes to spend time with friends, read, be outside, and play games with his family.

Allen Barta
Ruling Elder
Allen and LeAnne met in high school and married in 1982 while students at the University of Texas. After graduation they migrated to Indiana where they raised five children. They came to CCC in 1998 where they were soon very involved in Children's Ministry before departing a few years later for an overseas corporate assignment, then returned to CCC in 2018. Allen works for a global aerospace firm in the areas of emerging technologies and innovation. Allen now serves on the Missions Committee, an area where he and LeAnne have had a lifelong passion.

Mike Bergman
Ruling Elder
Mike was born and raised in a small town in Northwest Ohio. He and his wife Phyllis were both raised in Christian homes and were married in 1965. They have been blessed with three daughters and seven grandchildren. Prior to retirement in 2008, Mike worked for General Motors. After retirement they moved to Carmel in 2012 and joined CCC at that time. He joined the session in November of 2020 and serves on the personnel committee.

Josiah Jones
Senior Pastor | Teaching Elder
Born and raised in Montana, Josiah studied philosophy at Dallas Baptist University and later pursued theological and pastoral training at Reformed Theological Seminary in Charlotte, North Carolina, graduating with a Master of Divinity in 2012. After serving as pastor of a PCA church in Evans, Georgia for 5 years, Josiah joined the ministry staff of Christ Community in 2017. Josiah is married to his lovely wife, Jenn, and together they have three children: Cayden, Ian, and Adelynn. In his spare time, he loves hanging with his wife, playing with his kids, shooting hoops, and running while listening to sermons.

Bill Kennedy
Ruling Elder
Bill & Judy have been married 40+ years with four grown children and twelve grandchildren. Bill is an engineer and program manager who retired from the Air Force and worked for Rolls-Royce here in Indy. They have lived in Carmel over 35 years and helped found CCC after similar church planting experiences in the DC area where Judy (a physical therapist) grew up and they were married. They’ve loved seeing the work God has done through CCC, studying His Word and the growth of the people and families of the church, both in the Indy area and on the mission field.

Scott Livermore
Ruling Elder
Scott Livermore grew up not far from Carmel, but his work with the high school ministry of Cru has taken his family all over (Phoenix, Chattanooga, Orlando, and now back home again in Indiana). Scott and Kristin have been married for more than 25 years and have 4 wonderful children. The rest of their time outside of the family is spent investing in the lives of people God has placed in their lives, including lots of teenagers in their different ministry areas. A favorite thing for them to do is cheer on their children in their various endeavors.

Bassam Nader
Director of Men's Ministry | Ruling Elder
Bassam and Randa, his wife, have known Christ Community as their extended family for almost 3 decades, during which CCC helped in the spiritual formation of their 4 daughters and raising them to adulthood, while they have joyously served this wonderful community of Christ-followers as an elder-shepherd couple. Bassam’s passion is discipleship, especially of men. He has an advanced degree in organic chemistry, and spent his professional career as a research scientist with a global corporation, then practiced intellectual property law. Randa is a retired schoolteacher, and is passionate about helping women grow in their faith. They were originally raised in the country of Lebanon.

Scott Beerbower
Scott and Sheryl Beerbower have been married since 1974 and have 3 married daughters who are all local. This gives them plenty of time to love on their 5 grandchildren. One of Scott and Sheryl's big hobbies is visiting national parks where they enjoy one-on-one time with each other, enjoying the beauty of God's creation. They have been members of CCC since 1998. Scott is serving a second term as a deacon.

Paul DeWitt
Paul has been married to his wife Tracy since 1987. They were both raised in Christian homes and have been truly blessed to be able to raise their 4 children here at CCC. Native to California, Paul and Tracy moved to Fishers in February of 2000 for a job transfer. Paul has worked in the heavy duty transportation industry since 1995 and Tracy has been a bookkeeper since 1991. Tracy is serving as the Business Manager at CCC. Paul and Tracy both love spending time with family and friends and enjoying outdoor adventures any chance they can get.

Thomas Fraley
Director of A/V | Deacon
Thomas has been attending Christ Community since freshman year of high school, when his family moved to the Indianapolis area in 2003. He married his wife Nadia in early 2011, and they now have three wonderful children. In late 2016 Thomas stepped into leadership as CCC's A/V Director, helping manage the lighting, sound, and visual aspects of the church's ministries. He works as a Software Developer, and would describe himself generally as a "tech-head," enjoying all technology, from working with camera and sound equipment, to building and flying drones, to 3-D printing and woodworking.

Art Kirschmann
Art has been a CCC member since 1996, a deacon since 2009, and was the Treasurer from 2014 to 2023. He was born and raised in metropolitan New York City, worked in the Aerospace industry all his career, and is now retired in Carmel. He married his wonderful helpmate Peggie in 2016, and has served on the board for Indianapolis Theological Seminary. He came to Christ in 1972 and has been a member of a reformed theology church since 1978. He has been truly blessed to have skills that enable him to joyfully serve the needs of the church.

Josh McCallin
Josh McCallin and his wife Moira both hail from Northern Ireland. They met in Scotland and were married in 1985. They arrived in the US in 2004 and lived in Kokomo, Indiana. Their 2 adult daughters and their first grandson live in Indiana, and in 2014 Josh and Moira relocated to Westfield. They quickly found their church home in Christ Community Church and have been members since 2015. For Josh it is an honor and privilege to serve in the role of deacon to the church family who welcomed them so warmly.

Andrew Miller
Andrew and his wife Lauren have been married since 2014 and have three wonderful children. He is originally from South Carolina but moved to the area to be with his wife. They have been coming to CCC since 2016. Andrew works as a Software Engineer and enjoys spending time playing guitar, watching sports, and chasing around the kids.

Glen Olberding
Glen and Rhonda Olberding met and married in Memphis in 1990 with Glen being raised on a Kansas wheat farm and Rhonda hailing from the hills of West Virginia. They moved to Noblesville in 1995 and have been members of Christ Community since that time. They have two married sons and one grandson. Glen has been employed by FM Global for his entire career as a loss prevention engineer. Rhonda and Glen enjoy many hobbies together including traveling, bicycling, hiking and gardening.

Tim Parham
Tim and his wife Dawn were married in 1991. They have been blessed with three children, Patrick, Corynn and Erin. Tim and Dawn became members of Christ Community Church in 2012 and Tim joined the Diaconate in 2018. The family enjoys spending time together, especially when water skiing and golfing. Tim is a software engineer and is humbled to serve as a deacon at CCC.