Our Student Ministry welcomes all middle and high school students (6th through 12th grade), and our mission is to partner with parents in shepherding teens as they grow into mature disciples of Christ who exalt God’s glory, are equipped to love and serve within the body of Christ, and seek to extend God’s kingdom wherever they live, learn, and play.
What We Care About
One of the ways we describe the growth we hope to foster in our students is to consider three relationships, embodied by three directions: upward, inward, and outward. These directions guide our vision for what we want to be true of the students shaped by the Christ Community Student Ministry.
We want students to understand the importance of developing their relationships with God. When we are together, we spend time in God's word (because we know this is how He speaks to us) and in prayer (because we know this is how we speak to Him). We believe that the more we do these things, the more we know God—and the more we know God, the more we love Him and want to exalt Him.
We want students to be loving and learning from each other as well. We play games together, we share about our lives, and we pray for one another. Because we are united in Christ, we know that the differences that sometimes divide students out in the world don't need to do the same thing here. This inward direction also emphasizes the role of students within the local church. Students aren't just the "future" of the Church; they are an integral part of the body of Christ right now! In light of this, we aim to equip students to recognize and use their gifts to bless the church.
We want our students to love the world the way that God does—whether by serving the Carmel community, being involved in CCC’s mission work, or lovingly engaging with the friends, neighbors, and classmates God has put in our lives. We want our own love for Jesus and His gospel to grow so big that we can’t help but extend His kingdom by sharing it with others! Because of this, we desire the youth group to be a place where newcomers are welcomed, questions are encouraged, and students are growing in their ability to articulate and live out the gospel.
What We Do
Sign up to receive the youth group newsletter, which contains information about upcoming events! Be sure to check out what’s ahead on our events page.
Sundays | 4-6pm
Every week we gather to grow together in Christ. Our youth group meetings include a time of fellowship and games, along with a lesson from God’s Word and some discussion with each other. This Winter and Spring, we'll be exploring the Psalms to discover what it looks like to feel and express our emotions in ways that honor God. We hope you can join us!
Wednesdays | 5:15-7:15pm
Studying the Bible together is an essential part of growing in our faith, and our experience in the Word is enriched when we're able to do it together. These studies take place during Midweek on Wednesday evenings during the academic year. This Spring, we will be having an abbreviated Midweek semester, and will meet in February and March. While the whole church can meet for an optional dinner from 5:15-6:00pm, students will split off for a time of teaching and Bible study from 6:00-7:15pm. This semester we are studying the book of Titus together, exploring how good works fit into the gospel of grace. We hope you can join us!
Small Group Hangouts
Throughout the year
We believe that God has designed us for relationships, and so we think that it’s important to just hang out with each other! Whether it’s a game night, going bowling, hiking outdoors, or just crashing and watching a movie, we’re intentional about spending time together throughout the year. Times and dates vary, so the best way to keep up to date is to sign up for our newsletter.
Generally, we do one big event a month. This might be a retreat or mission trip, but more often it’s a fun gathering for either all students, or either middle or high school students.
Youth Retreats
Retreats give us a chance to unplug from the demands and anxieties of the busy world, and re-center ourselves on what matters most: our relationships with Christ. We join in with the other youth groups of the Central Indiana Presbytery toward the beginning of the school year for our annual Fall Retreat, and we head out on our own for a Winter Retreat over President’s Day weekend.
Mission Trips
Trips generally take place in the summer, and are open to the whole church family. They offer fantastic opportunities to partner with the global Church in extending God's kingdom, as well as a chance to grow in servant leadership and develop relationships with other members of Christ Community.
These hangouts are planned throughout the year and include movie nights, outdoor adventures, night games, and basically anything else that sounds like a ton of fun. Check out the Events Page for upcoming events!
Upcoming Events
April 4
Middle School Bowling Night
April 11